Finland The Land of Thousand Lakes

You will be wondering to know why Finland is called, The Land of Thousand Lakes. Adding to this, you will be more surprised to know that Finland has approximately 187,888 lakes within its borders. That’s a lot of water for a country that is only 130,128 square miles! Most of lakes stretches from north to south of Finland. The fresh water resource can only take care of 10% of its land area. Finland is consisted by 179,584 islands.
Helsinki, Capital of Finland
Earlier Finland was part of Sweden, Finland emerged as independent nation after First World War. Even now Swedish is also an official language. The population of Finland is five million. The population density of Finland is 18 people per sq km, which is lowest in entire European Union. It is believed that there is one lake every 26 people. Most of lakes stretches from north to south of Finland.
Some of the interesting facts of Finland are:
There is a unique golf club, Green Zone Golf Club on the borders of Sweden and Finland. Half of the holes are in Sweden and other half in Finland.

In Finland, out of 10 plastic bottles, 9 are returned for recycling. And almost 100% of glass bottles are recycled.

There is cruise ship that runs between Stockholm (Sweden) and Helsinki (Finland) which is especially for purchase of cheap alcohol.

In Finland, if someone earns their Ph.D., They are felicitated with Top Hat and a Sword.

Finland universities are tuition free. Even Austria, Norway, Germany and Sweden also have same kind.

Finland is the first country in the world to make internet access a legal right. It was in 2010.

A resort in Finland, called ‘Hotel Kakslauttanen’ offers you to sleep in a glass igloo cabin, so that you can watch northern lights.

An official sport of Finland is ‘Mobile phone’ throwing.

The national animal of Finland is Brown Bear. Along with Finland, Siberians also consider Bear as the ‘spirit’ of one’s forefathers.

Finland celebrates ‘’National Sleepy Head Day’’ where the last person in the house to wake up, is thrown into water by the early risers.

Passports issued by UK, Sweden and Finland offer visa-free travel to more countries than any other passports.

There are 2 million saunas in Finland for a population of 5 million. 99% of Finns take sauna at least once a week.

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